Save with the Crep Protect bundle pack offering. The entire product range conveniently offered in one tin! The Ultimate Shoe Cleaner and Protector kit is the perfect gift for the sneaker enthusiast. The kit comes with everything you need to clean and then protect all of your shoes. Comes with:A microfiber cleaning clothPremium Shoe Cleaning Brush 100 ml of sneaker cleaner solutionCrep Protect rain and stain repel spray 5 oz.12 single use wipesClean first, then protect! The sneaker cleaner can be used on leather, suede, nubuck, canvas, nylon, vinyl and more. The protect can be used on suede, nubuck and canvas shoes and helps repel liquids. The cleaning wipes are excellent for carrying with you at all times for unexpected spills and splashes.BRAND NEW 2019 EDTION!
1 week ago
1 week ago