You've been looking for a LIGHT baby sling/ carrier. The summers get ridiculously hot and you want to be prepared. You've found it. you get ease, comfort, safety, flexibility & adjustability. So when your order arrives, be happy-no, be ecstatic, because your worries about baby accessories are over. Now open it up and just feel that soft, light, breathable fabric. Put it on. It's really simple. Get baby settled in there and just marvel at the comfort, the airy feel of it, and in a little while, check your baby/toddler-is he/she smiling, or asleep. You can't blame the baby, it's really comfortable. It's insanely easy to use and offers excellent support; It's comfortable for both parent and child; It's super light, breathable, dries quickly, soft, mesh fabric that feels good in or out of the water; Use all year but when the hot weather arrives, it's like a blessing; Use it from birth to toddler-hood - you won't need to buy another baby carrier Great for both moms AND DADS;
5 days ago
3 days ago